We Couldnt Change Your Password Because Your Session Expired Please Try Again Skype

"Microsoft account problem - we need to fix your Microsoft account" in Shared Experiences settings

If yous go a notification that you accept a "Microsoft account problem," you don't take a problem and you don't have to set anything. You haven't been hacked and you don't accept a virus. Microsoft is testing your patience.

(Update 09/2020: Try the tips in this article only they may not work. For some people – including on my own computers for the last few months – this find still appears even later on turning everything off. The just proposition I have left is to ignore information technology.)

How to stop the notifications

Windows 10 Shared experiences - turn off Nearby Sharing and Share Across Devices

Click on Start / Settings (the gear in the left column).

Click on Organization.

Click on Shared Experiences in the left column.

Plow off Nearby Sharing and Share beyond devices .

That should turn off the notifications. (Sometimes they continue popping up fifty-fifty afterwards those switches take been turned off. I can't explain that.)

Trust me – yous won't miss "shared experiences."


The message reads: "Microsoft account problem – We need to gear up your Microsoft business relationship (most likely your password changed). Select here to fix it in Shared experiences settings."

If you see that message and you know y'all oasis't changed whatsoever passwords lately, you will worry that your Microsoft business relationship has been hacked. 4 people called me on the same day last week about the scary message. They had been putting in every password they could recollect of, trying to resolve their "account problem." Null worked.

Out of curiosity, I take tried to fix the "problem" for several different clients. I tested the credentials for their personal and work accounts to make sure we had upwardly to date passwords, then fed every variation into the prompt at Shared Experiences, trying to satisfy it. Naught worked.

I'chiliad pretty confident, then, that these two things are true for most people:

  • At that place is nothing that needs to exist "stock-still." There appears to be a problems in the way Microsoft has gear up "Shared experiences" that brings up an incorrect error bulletin.
  • More importantly: "Shared experiences" is an obscure, nearly useless Windows characteristic that should never call attention to itself. Y'all aren't using it, you won't utilize it, and it should be polite and shut up.

This is not a new problem. When the new "Shared Experiences" setting beginning appeared in Windows 10 ii years ago, in that location were 2 variations on similarly scary messages.

Another Shared Experiences notification to fix an account that's not broken

Bulletin ane: "Microsoft Account – Yous demand to ready your Microsoft Account for apps on your other devices to be able to launch apps and go on experiences on this device."

Another Shared Experiences notification to fix an account that's not broken

Message two: "Piece of work or school account problem – We need to fix your work or school account earlier you can apply shared experiences. Select this message to open Settings and prepare things."

I wrote this article two years ago almost those messages, which were just every bit incorrect and so as the scary bulletin you see today.

What are Windows 10 "Shared experiences"?

Let's zoom up to 36,000 feet and get the big motion picture.

Microsoft was desperately burned when it missed the transition to mobile devices. It wasn't for lack of trying! Earlier 2007 Microsoft had made valiant efforts to develop handheld Windows devices. It was so unsuccessful that when Apple introduced the iPhone, the world forgot about Microsoft's mobile efforts. Today, almost people retrieve Apple invented mobile calculating.

Afterward fumbling and flailing for a few more years, Microsoft launched a new push to break into the iPhone/Android phone duopoly, redoubling its efforts to develop a telephone operating arrangement and spending billions to acquire Nokia and sell its own phones. The outcome: embarrassing failure, layoffs, and huge write-downs.

Microsoft however has its dominant place in reckoner operating systems and has brilliantly pivoted to enterprise services. Information technology is embracing open standards and has been avoiding the spotlight now beingness shone on other tech companies for privacy and antitrust issues. Equally a result, Microsoft is arguably the nigh successful tech company on the planet correct at present.

But Microsoft can't allow go of its thwarting about existence excluded from the mobile earth. The time to come belongs to the connections amidst our devices, mostly mobile devices. Since Microsoft doesn't have its ain mobile platform, the visitor risks condign irrelevant to consumers unless they tin be convinced to use Microsoft services to link their devices together.

Thus the insistent push to shop files in OneDrive, which with luck will lead you to utilize OneDrive and the Office apps on your telephone. (OneDrive is doing pretty well.) Microsoft is retooling its Edge browser and volition be touting its ability to sync your bookmarks and preferences to the Edge mobile app then that you tin can go back and along between your reckoner and your phone. (Edge has a user base of forty-three. That's not a percentage, it's the number of people worldwide using Edge. I don't see anything coming up that volition change that.) Microsoft is putting finishing touches on a new Windows app, Your Phone, which will sync your Android phone to your computer and be Fabulously Useful ™. (The Your Phone app volition get nowhere – some loyal users, roundly ignored by everyone else.)

Shared Experiences is yet another halfhearted effort to create links betwixt our devices. Equally I wrote two years ago:

In theory y'all tin can push your open up web pages from your desktop computer to your laptop, or transfer your work in a programme on your computer to the same program on your telephone or tablet. "Shared experiences" can be synced through the cloud as well every bit Bluetooth. In addition to syncing your place in an app, information technology has the potential to turn a mobile device into a remote control for, say, media playback on the computer. In that location is likewise the chance to "invite others to utilise apps with me," whatever that means.

The Shared Experiences feature was completely useless when information technology was introduced ii years ago. Zippo supported it. At best, it was only going to be relevant if we used Microsoft apps on our phone that matched the Microsoft programs on our computers – and we don't. In any case, for the most part, Microsoft apps were not gear up to support Shared Experiences, and tertiary party developers showed no interest in supporting it.

Today, ii years later on, I cannot find whatever testify whatsoever that anything has inverse. If Microsoft is supporting this characteristic with its ain apps, it is not advertising that in anything I can turn upward in a Google search. I find zero evidence of any developer interest. It looks like a characteristic begging to be abandoned.

Which makes the mistake message all the more infuriating. Microsoft has had ii years either to make this piece of work smoothly or to get its feature to shut up.

This story ends in precisely the same place it did two years ago:

Microsoft showed you an unexplained error bulletin instructing y'all to ready your Microsoft account, which wasn't broken, for a feature that does nothing now and might never practice anything interesting e'er.

Is it any wonder we're using our phones instead of computers?


Source: https://www.bruceb.com/2019/09/how-to-get-rid-of-the-microsoft-account-problem-notification/

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